Thursday, December 1, 2011

Lying, Congressional Style

This is a simple tactic I think all of you can use when you are trying to remain in hiding for the moment, the easiest method to lie in the entire truth is to get a almost cynical, sarcastic, yet truthful statement all in the same speech.

    When remarking on a girl's decision to have a baby at 16 with a man whom the fool thinks is going to raise a child, I promptly told her "I congratulate you on the birth of your child, and I am joyful about the contribution you are making to your people".

    Now if you know me, I can get mean, M-E-A-N with people who do such stupid things like this, but I chose to use Lying Congressional style to get into her good graces while still remaining on my own side of the argument about her failed life.

    Political leaders use it all the time, when Vladimir Putin and George W. Bush J.R. talk about world events they use the same lying phraseology.

    For all of you who like the "Alt news/research" of WRR or BUGS, will like the notion hat in the old tales the deceiver ALWAYS speaks backwards. That is because when he is talking his words have the opposite meaning, his whole speeches turned upside down (Kinda like our world today) and his speech should be read backwards to know his true meaning behind the lies.
     So when you are being persecuted and it's time to stay quiet about something, use the reverse lying technique and make your speeches when dealing with difficult topics seem like you actually mean them.
     Example: "I really think that when we occupy wall street we will make headway to bring in the communist revoloution and bring peace, love, and bread to the people" (vomit)
     But you get the idea, ta for now.

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