Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Legion of Light.

Legion of Light.

Dawning of a new age,
Turning history's page,
Marching of a new Legion,
The bright beautiful beacon,

Our Race our Pride,
our foes shall hide,
Our legions will find,
Our Enemy in kind.

The marching continues,
Seeking new venues,

Spreading poison into our kin,
Forging their perverted sins,
Feeding upon the mighty noble,
Thieves of the right and hopeful,

Parasites beget their kin,
Bringing their perversion in,

The healthy and beautiful
Our glory and truthful

Fighting together as ONE,
Betrayal not be undone,

Bound my chains of Loyalty,
Crowned the Laurel of Honor,

Brotherhood United forever,
Blood-born delighted mothers,
Children of the Glorious Race,
Claiming their Rightful place,

Birthright to Greatness,
Carry the Torch of Truth,
Climbing the Stair of Destiny,
Treading into God's Path,

Pain Each step on stone,
Disciplined skills honed,
Struggling each raise,
Earning God's Praise,

Fell for a Flight,
Grip is a fight,
Hold onto the ledge,
Clutch to the edge,

The Climb up the stair,
The true God's heirs,
Forbidden Greatness,
Unshackled and Reclaimed,

Sound the Horn of Glory,
The legion is marching!
A nation awakened,
Speaking with golden hearts,
Climbing the endless storie.

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