Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Animals are smarter than you, even in the Zoo.

    When an animal depends on somebody else for it's survival it's in captivity. When you depend on someone else for your own survival, you are in 'civilization'.
    The entire precept of 'civilization' as captivity is not alien to you, you know it very well. The zookeepers who guard and enslave the animals for their profit do only at the animals consent, not the zookeepers.
    The Cheetah of the African plains does lose 90% of it's cubs to predators, even though it is a predator itself, which is sad but, during captivity, as a zookeeper told me, they do not have babies when put in the 'big cat' plot and hence need to be placed elsewhere. What is extraordinary is that the other zookeeper had told me that the cheetah would not breed near the lions, due to them being it's natural enemy. It really sounds obvious but it is not; If you live in 'civilization' you live near your natural enemy, if you live near your natural enemy, sex is the last thing on your mind.

    When liberals and fake-conservatives talk about white people not liking blacks I must disagree, they don't dislike them any more than a cheetah to the lion. Blacks have been a natural enemy for whites more than 4,000 years ago, why should that change now? We are in our little zoo with little zookeepers whom have no idea how difficult it is for the cheetah to live it's life next to an enemy.
    Imagine getting up in the morning and finding a big grizzly bear right outside of your doorstep every time you try to eat, it is there, when you sleep, it is there, when you use the restroom it is also there. That's how white people live their lives every day, around races that would be their natural enemies and enemies to one another as well.
     Welcome to 'Diversity'.
     See the problem is, I was told, that the cheetah will breed with one female, being a big cat, which is a promiscuous species (I'm not accusing white women of anything, no hate mail thanks) the males will breed with the single and only female whom will tolerate the lions and the zookeeper and will eat her meat and will not attack him and live near the lions. This is highly detrimental to the survival of the cheetah subspecies ("Race") of big cats because, as I was told, the cheetah will never be the same. It will not survive at all in the wild, not a single minute after it has become accustomed to the threats around it as 'civilization'.

     The Cheetah's parents committed RACIAL SUICIDE.
     That's right you heard me, they did. They do it over, and over again destroying the stock which made their race of big cats so amazing hunters with incredible speed. They had doomed their children to a life of dependency and lax to the zookeeper feeding them meat which was poisonous to them long term as the 'civilization' was destructive to them in the short term.
     They are committing a form of De-evoloution or a reverse-eugenics, killing off their own people to ensure their survival (dependent on the whim of the zookeeper) for a more 'comfortable' life in 'civilization'.
    'Civilization' acts like a retardant to the life of a species, causing the less rebellious and dependent peoples to reproduce while the higher ones (rebellious and Independent) die off.
    They did it because of the need to survive but the lack of inner, outer, mental and spiritual discipline to remain wild, untamed and free.
    An animal is never brought into a zoo, it is SUBDUED and captured. It has not only lost it's pride being wild and rebellious but also its racial power to prosper and advance it's people.

    When you see the interesting phenomenon of altruism in nature remember this, the animal is not fighting for the sake of, and for the survival of itself no, it threw that out and went to save one of its race. Altruism is when a cheetah knowingly will kill itself to save it's pride (group of big cats, usually a family). For the sake of it's genes and people on a subconscious level being able to prosper, survive and advance.  This is actually more common in the wild, I was told among them due to their habitats being invaded so much, the independent minded cheetahs would sacrifice themselves saving their cubs or females during a poaching session or hunting by predators to ensure the survival of their race.
    Another interesting phenomenon is when a zoo animal, still passive and subdued for generations, suddenly becomes a leader of the pack and mauls the zookeeper or animal handler. You have all seen the many videos of this happening all over the world, it is quite interesting in how often it happens surprising also.
    As you look outside of your yellow street bars, and mental cage humans are subjected to, ask yourself; Why don't we see this in people?
    The answer is simple, you do, you have been TRAINED not to see it. The example (if you are a White Nationalist) is self explanatory. It is self explanatory.

     You are the rebel cheetah who will not commit racial and self suicide. This makes you a bad little cheetah in the eyes of the zookeepers. But let me ask you this, how often do you see the lions rioting when they don't get fed, how often do you see the lions eating the zookeeper when he doesn't give them meat, how long ago has it been since the cheetahs rebelled, how much would it take to get them to?
    Quite a bit, honestly, it may never happen now, the white blue-spotted cheetah may have committed permanent suicide against it's own race. Making sure their children albeit, much more adapted survivors against the elements and much more swift and independent hunters than a lion, yet, they will no longer rebel, the independent ones have all committed 'altruism' and given their lives, so those whom they save can commit racial suicide toward their children giving their will, and life and mind to the zookeeper forver and will never become proud hunters like their ancestors.

      The cheetahs still tear out the filthy zookeeper's throat every year, even in large packs.
     Why don't white people?